Summer Routines

20170528_124438We all have routines that we practice when the warm weather engulfs us. Beach visits, holidays at the theme park, playing at the community park, checking out books on the library summer reading list, enjoying outdoor sports, spending time with our family pets, enjoying more time in the sun and just relaxing in the lazy days of summer  – all of these activities offer enjoyment.

Some people pick a more sedentary list such as bird watching, gardening or feeding multi-colored humming birds.  On a recent trip to a arboretum I observed the consummate bird watcher.  This person was equipped with every facet of his routine.  Hat, shoes, clothing, glasses, change of clothes (in case of an emergency), binoculars, camera, tripod, cooler with appropriate snack (so as not to miss that perfect view), and small folding chair.

He had arrived early so that the perfect spot could be located and dedicated to his endeavor. Each item was carefully placed in its’ designated place (i.e., camera on top of the tripod ) before he attempted to make himself comfortable.  It was obvious watching this bird watcher that the items of his summer routine were as important to him as the routine itself.  He made sure that each item was in the correct place so that it could do its’ job.

This observation made me reflect that we all have summer routines.  When we go to the beach, we take our towels, sunscreen, swimming suits, hats, drinks, coolers and ice.  These items and the part they play in our summer routines are important and each is a “place holder.”  If we forget to bring the ice, no one gets a cold drink, if we forget the sunscreen, we get a sunburn, if we don’t have a beach towel things get really sandy real quick…

So, as the days of summer are heading for their final days, let’s give a final nod to our routines and decide whether they are good or bad.  Do we want to “shake” them up a bit or do we want to continue on with our “tried and true” routines because they work for us in our enjoyment of summer?


20141005_141728Yesterday I attended a panel discussion at a Public Library entitled: Writer’s Workshop. The roundtable dialogue presented various options for authors.  The main topic centered around developing a strong social media presence and building a lasting readership for independent authors.

The topic of “support” was prominent among both the presenters and  audience.  Having attended many conferences over my thirty-five years in the nursing profession, I have often found the idea of support a lacking issue.  In the professional world, colleagues often attempt to compete and corrupt their fellow workers in order to succeed in their work environment.

However, this is not the case in the “indie” author world.  Independent authors use the idea of “support” as the medium with which all succeed.  Only by helping fellow authors, do all succeed.  Supporting struggling writers to find professional review avenues or locate specific publishing professionals can be a valuable tool for an aspiring novelist.  Working with these resources can often be the one inspiring event that skyrockets a career into the public arena.  It is like a lone butterfly discovering a blooming field of spring flowers and then signaling his group that the nectar is ready – all can feast on the resources.

Ask yourself: “How can I support the area in which I live?”



I recently enjoyed a conversation with a health conscious friend.  The topic of nutrition centered around carbohydrates.  My friend immediately said, “I never eat bread, it’s got carbs in it.”  Well, that began our  extended discussion about “simple” and “complex” carbohydrates and their place in a well balanced nutrition plan.  I say “nutrition plan” instead of “diet” because that’s what it is a – life long plan to improve and maintain good nutrition.

Our bodies need “complex” carbohydrates for brain food and the intricate functions that it performs every minute of every day.  Without them we can not think, walk, talk or interact with each other in a coherent manner.  Complex carbohydrates are those wonderful foods that slowly release useful sugars our body uses to perform the necessary functions of life – whole grains, beans, legumes, etc., that keep our internal factories running at an efficient level.

So, the next time you have a conversation and the topic of nutrition enters the arena, add the idea that “complex” carbohydrates might just be a good source of brain food.

Celebrate the 4th

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The bright lights of Las Vegas will certainly be shining as we celebrate Independence Day.  This city seems to take great joy in displaying the ability of expression.  Just looking at the glittering lights makes me feel happy.  The scene reflects an oasis in the desert which beckons far and wide with possibilities and potential.  It’s a part of America that grabs you by the collar and says, “come here and have a good time.”

However, the responsible adult in all of us knows that a “good time” also involves making responsible choices and good decisions.  This is what forms the greatness of America.  It is a country that offers immense opportunity and possibility while presenting clear and true guidelines for success.  Our job, as responsible citizens, is to look at all of our options and pick the right choice, the best fit for our needs.  This choice will be the one that keeps us healthy, prosperous and motivated in a positive manner.

So, when you are celebrating your freedom this holiday season, make good choices…