Be Your Own Critic

I recently read a quote from Theodore Roosevelt.  It was reprinted in a current issue of Time magazine (12/16/2016).  However, that reference was used in a political slant.  In this blog I focus on health issues whether that be the physical, spiritual or mental realm.  However, the quote seems appropriate to the subject of health for obvious reasons.

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the does of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by duct and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes up short again and again…who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

So often we are challenged to take the easy road, especially when it comes to our health.  If we are tired, we say “Oh, I’ll just stay in bed today and sleep awhile longer.”  When we feel that urge to have something sweet in our diet we search for not just one scoop of ice cream but two scoops – especially if it has nuts and chocolate on top.  When it is raining outside it’s a great excuse to not go for our “daily” walk – just stay inside and do some simple stretching.  We all know the bag of potato chips in the kitchen cabinet that has a “homing device” built into it so it can call out our name when we are bored.  It says: “Please come over here and try to each just one…” ha, ha…

In the focus of Mr. Roosevelt, it is definitely worth it to: fight-the-fight and stay-the-course when making decisions about our health.  If a person makes a decision, just ONCE, to have good health and that person REALLY dedicates themselves to the decision, then all the little issues that are presented each day will be easy and clear.  Therefore, you will get up instead of sleeping late; you will take that daily walk; you will eat only one scoop of ice cream; you will take the “homing device” out of the potato chips.

Be your own critic and as Teddy Roosevelt says: “at least fail while daring greatly.”

“Filling Up”

As we enter the holiday season I am reminded of not only the emotional but also the physical feeling of being full.  There is a certain contentment that comes over a person when their needs are met.  Not so much a reference to “Maslow’s ” hierarchy of needs but just the ordinary daily living kind of needs.  The response that tends to answer the questions –  Is my tummy full?  Do I feel warm?  Am I safe in my home?  Are my family members o.k.?  Can I protect the one’s that I love?  Can I identify where my next meal is coming from?

When I think about these “needs” I understand that now all people can answer “yes” to these questions.  However, most people can respond yes to some of these issues.  What a great world we would live in if all the people that we met every day could respond that way to all of their needs – both emotional and physical.  That could be called nirvana.

I’m not sure exactly sure what “nirvana” would look like, but possibly everyone in it would be secure and be filled up both physically and emotionally.  So, as I look toward the holidays and view the increase activity of everyone around me, I pine fondly for possibly the unreachable “nirvana” but at least I can dream.



I attended a local health fair.  My curiosity was the motivator.  Having moved into the area recently I wanted to investigate the available resources. As I entered the building the chaotic chatter greeting my alerted ears was a beacon for the rich variety of resources being offered in the hall.

The concessions were assembled in a “Disneyland” array to help facilitate the movement of customers.  The array was varied.  One table displayed a collection of raw desert honey and local bee pollen – with accompanying claims of reducing allergies and controlling blood sugar.  Next to this booth was a collection of pamphlets advertising a memory care community that offered services for elderly patients.  Further down the winding path was a display of cbd pet care products which was displayed next to an insurance agency offering coverage for medicare eligible seniors.

The concessionaires encouraged interaction and sampling of their products.  This encouraged feedback from the attendees and accounted for the chaotic chatter that I initially encountered. This lively interaction between vendor and purchaser seemed to be unique as I compared it to my experience at other health fairs.  This pleasant communication was reassuring as I reminisce about my relocation into my new neighborhood.

This is a good fit – a person who is curious and an area that has a variety of resources.